Friday, August 02, 2019

Reflection Near the End of Summer Vacation

Yesterday was the last Thursday of summer break, and I'm in a reflective mood.  Since school let out in late May, I've visited all the people on my check list, read some of what I'd intended, developed some of the blog posts that I drafted.  I rode my 60 miles for my 60th birthday, 2000 miles for the year - to - date, and, at this rate, I'm less than a year away from 25,000 miles on my bike, one lap around the earth..

[Photo: End of a 32 mile ride yesterday, at my lowest weight of the summer (146) and fastest average speed of the summer (17.0 mph)]

Every third thought of the summer concerned my beloved Mia. Before May was out, I learned that she would have only weeks left.  Each morning I looked for signs that her energy and interest were flagging.  She remained her loving, happy self until mid - July, and she bounced back a few times, even then.  [Photo from May]

After Mia was gone, I prepared the house for another little spirit.  From a local rescue operation called "Our Pal's Place," I've adopted Brandy, three years old.  She's learning to love rides in the car, walks, sleeping upstairs, tummy rubs on the carpet, late nights reading on the patio, and some hours alone every day while I'm at work or on my bike.  After a couple of weeks, OPP will take her back for heart - worm treatments. Then I hope to adopt a playmate for her.

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