Monday, September 02, 2019

Record Time, Labor Day Weekend

Yes, today I rode my bike in record time from the Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial Center to Stone Mountain and back, 2:40 minutes, 14.2 m.p.h., a personal record (beats 14.1 last year).  But really I just want to record the time I've had, a delightful interlude in the busy start of the school year. [Surpassed 9/14, 14.3 m.p.h.]

[Photo: After the ride.]

The weekend began with Middle School Field Day, then a walk with Brandy in the battlefield park, and a walk from my friend Susan's house to the Marietta Square for a sidewalk dinner in front of Shillings. Saturday, I took Brandy to the Vet in Roswell for bloodwork preparatory to tackling her heartworms; we won't know how bad the "burden" she carries until tomorrow. Fingers crossed. I rode 42 miles at 16.5 m.p.h. on the Silver Comet, and enjoyed my home - cooked dinner with cocktail on the patio, and Brandy enjoyed the time with me.

[Photo: Brandy alert in the car.]

Sunday, breakfast with Suzanne, friend and former neighbor, now living in far Buckhead. We went to church just like old times, and the chorus sucked in rehearsal but nailed our anthems during the service. I took Mom to lunch, and then went off to the memorial service for "Miss Bobbie" Lytle, long - time administrative assistant at Walker School. The former Headmaster Don Robertson told how he'd interviewed many for the job, and none needed it more than Bobbie, and she was so kind and friendly, but she wasn't up to speed on typing and shorthand. His wife had pointed out that she'd be the face of Walker for everyone who visited, and wasn't kind and friendly what that job needed? No regrets, Don said, decades later.

This morning, Susan met Brandy and me for a walk through the early - morning preparations for another day of "Art in the Park" at Marietta's Square, and we ate at our favorite breakfast / lunch place, Douceur de France, a dog - friendly café.

A drive downtown and my ride followed, on a gloriously clear sunny day, breezes picking up perhaps from distant Hurricane Dorian. I kept the radio off so that I could just enjoy the time.

[Photos below: Susan with Brandy after a walk through the Confederate Cemetery; Susan's photo of Brandy and me at the café.]

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