Thursday, March 11, 2021

Soon Spring: This Time, the Whole Thing

A year ago March 12 was a Thursday, and our Middle Schoolers were called to a special assembly and told to stay home the next day; class would be online for a couple of weeks. The weekend that followed was one of my worst ever, as I struggled to imagine how to engage kids remotely for 90 minutes.

We were moving into spring, but it felt hollow Though it got better, we all missed the give-and-take of a seventh grade classroom.

Now as the weather is thawing, having just received my first dose of vaccine, I'm feeling like this spring will be more than just a change of weather.

Here's a PhotoShop concoction I made from a picture of my sweet Brandy tugging her leash on a sunny day with a landscape by my friend Susan, whose birthday was yesterday.

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