Sunday, August 01, 2021

Dementia Diary: Sudden Clearing

Dementia sometimes acts like the weather. Sometimes Mom clouds up, and sometimes the clouds clear a little.

Mother's granddaughter Mary Alice came by for a visit yesterday. Mary Alice is making last rounds before moving with her husband Jay to a military base overseas. She may not be back for the next three years. The subtext of the visit, for her, was that her grandmother may never know her again.

Mom responded with delight and surprise to the picture of Mary Alice's wedding, although it's been taped to her wall two months. [See My Niece's Wedding (06/2021)] Mom also admired the wedding ring. We talked about moving to Japan. Mom struggled to express what she thought about the courage it takes to move someplace so far away.

Soon, one of the staff came in to take Mom to dinner, and the visit was over.

But Mary Alice said, "Wait," and went back to say something to Mom. As if the sun had come out, Mom was present in a way she had not been before, speaking fluently in a low voice, and I photographed the moment.

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